An Australian surveyor has swapped the Outback for the landlocked Midlands after joining one of the region’s leading commercial property agencies.
An Australian surveyor has swapped the Outback for the landlocked Midlands after joining one of the region’s leading commercial property agencies.
Caine Gilchrist joined Coventry-based specialists Bromwich Hardy as a surveyor on October 3, and will work across the whole agency, property management and marketing aspects of the business.
Originally from Australia, Caine is now based in Sutton Coldfield and is working towards associate member status of the RICS.
He said: “I am thrilled to be joining such a dynamic and forward-thinking agency as Bromwich Hardy, and I can’t wait to start working with clients to make the most of their commercial property assets.
“It’s a great team here and I am very happy to be a part of it.”
Caine’s arrival marks the first anniversary of Bromwich Hardy becoming a limited liability partnership (LLP) following the retirement of founding partner Richard Hardy.
Fellow founding partner Tom Bromwich said: “I’m delighted to welcome Caine to Bromwich Hardy and I’m sure he will be a valuable addition to the team.
“Caine brings with him extensive and varied experience gained both in Australia and the UK, and we’re looking forward to working with him and helping him on the journey to full RICS status.
“While Richard remains part of Bromwich Hardy on a consultancy basis, his retirement last year marked a major milestone for the business with the transition to an LLP. But what has not changed is our commitment to continuous investment in our people, and to the local area, to make sure we remain at the forefront of the commercial property landscape.
“As well as welcoming Caine, we have appointed Mark Booth as graduate surveyor after he successfully completed a year-long placement with us while at Coventry University, and we have another student, Rob Lord, now working with us on his placement year from Sheffield Hallam University.
“Our previous graduate surveyor, Sam Cooper, was named Rising Star at this year’s Midlands Property Awards, so we like to think our investment in our professionals is paying off.”
As well as investing in its own staff, Bromwich Hardy has invested heavily in its local community with sponsorship deals for Coventry Rugby Club, teenage shooter Hattie Cloves, Kenilworth Rugby Club, Cardiff Met netball club, BMW racers Guy and Alex Povey and Coventry Alvis Football Club. The firm was also a prominent supporter of Coventry’s year as UK City of Culture.