The Coventry and Warwickshire investment market is showing increasing signs of improvement with Bromwich Hardy acting on behalf of private investors in 4 separate deals over the last month.
The properties range from Retail / Office to Industrial Estates.
Tom Bromwich has acted on behalf of two private property companies in acquiring a prime retail and office building at Euston Place , Leamington Spa and acquiring Alpha Business Park, a multi let Industrial Estate in Coventry
David Penn has advised a private investor in the acquisition of a well let Industrial Unit on the popular Binley Industrial Estate in Coventry
James Brookes as acted in the acquisition of a development site / Industrial Investment on Bayton Road Industrial Estate for a private property company.
Tom Bromwich comments
” These four transactions show the investor appetite for the region, with the excellent communications available, good labour force and anticipated rental growth which has resulted from increasing tenant demand against a backdrop of limited supply.”