Screwfix has taken its third outlet in Coventry, having signed up at West Park where the Landlord now hopes to attract further trade operators.
IVRE Limited acquired West Park in 2015 and has carried out a programme of works for Screwfix to create a new unit with prominent branding from Torrington Avenue. The unit is 7,800 sq ft and has a new roof and trade entrance within the main quadrant area.
David Penn, Partner at Bromwich Hardy, who is marketing the scheme, said: “It’s great that Screwfix have decided to create their third Coventry store in the west of the city. We approached them direct as we felt it would be an excellent location for them”.
Screwfix is part of Kingfisher, a home improvement company with more than 1,100 stores in 10 countries – including 470 stores in the UK.
David added: “We are now hoping to attract further branded trade operators to the scheme and currently available are Units 22 & 23, opposite the Screwfix entrance, providing 5,885 sq ft”.
For more information please contact David Penn at Bromwich Hardy on 024 7630 8900