Setting up a business at the beginning of a recession can be described either as foolhardy or brave but the recession has actually driven Bromwich Hardy to buck the trend and the Coventry practice, has thrived despite the tough conditions and a competitive market, successfully securing a host of prestigious deals across the region and charting 20% year-on-year growth.
“One thing a recession does tend to demonstrate is that those businesses and employers who are worth their place in the market tend to rise to the top,” says James Brookes, one of the company’s four fee earners. “Bromwich Hardy is definitely doing that.”James, a specialist in the licensed and leisure property markets, is himself further evidence of the practice’s continued growth as he recently joined the team along with graduate surveyor Mandy Sunner.
With broad experience in the Midlands property market, having worked in a variety of different sectors, he takes his place alongside principals Richard Hardy and Tom Bromwich, together with the other fee earner, Andrew Forsyth.Richard concentrates on providing corporate property advice throughout the UK for several international and national companies and advises private clients on aspects ranging from rent reviews and lease renewals to acquisitions and disposals. In addition he advises on the disposal and acquisition of residential building land and is currently in the middle of disposing of sixteen acres of prime development land on behalf of Warwickshire County Council.
Tom, with his intimate knowledge of the Midlands market, likes to concentrate on getting deals done, saying that he uses his winning mentality to ensure he does his very best for every client, be it an individual or a property business.
Andrew, meanwhile, describes his approach as no nonsense which, combined with more than 20 years’ experience in the building industry, helps him to deal with property management and construction related work, often liaising between owners and tenants or dealing with contractors to ensure buildings are well run, managed and occupied.Combined, the quartet provide a complete range of property services, including: commercial lettings and sales, acquisition work, advice on landlord and tenant issues, commercial property valuation, commercial investments, strategic portfolio and general property management, together with the sale and acquisition of residential building land.
Recent successes included acting on behalf of A C Lloyd Holdings Ltd in agreeing terms for the funding of a 10,000 sq ft new home for the Probation Service at Castlegate Business Park in Dudley and the sale of 19,000 sq ft premises on Coventry’s Bayton Road, Industrial Estate. Industrial units have also been acquired for clients on a national basis in Exeter, Northampton and Wellingborough.
As to be expected of this forward thinking, busy practice, while it values each and every success, it’s not prepared to rest on its laurels and moves are under way to widen its reach.“We intend expand on our market share in the West Midlands, particularly in our focal markets of Coventry, Leamington Spa, Warwick, Stratford-upon-Avon, Rugby and Nuneaton,” promises James. For full further information about Bromwich Hardy, its property portfolio and services, go to www.bromwichhardy.com. Alternatively telephone 02476 308900 or email office@bromwichhardy.com