Bromwich Hardy has again topped the leaderboard for the number of commercial property deals it has concluded in Warwickshire.
The EG Radius Leaderboards for the second quarter of 2023 show that Bromwich Hardy is ranked No 1 in Warwickshire for the volume of deals completed in the county, as well as ranking fourth overall for industrial deals in the West Midlands region.
Founding partner Tom Bromwich said: “I’m delighted that we have again topped the Warwickshire table, completing more deals in the quarter than all other agencies combined.
“There is a lot of talk about the economic difficulties many businesses are facing at the moment but this just shows that there are still deals to be done.
“There is a good demand for high quality commercial properties and I’m delighted that we have been able to complete so many transactions for our clients.
"The Bromwich Hardy team has decades of experience and are the experts in the local market. Our focus on achieving our clients' best commercial interests continues to pay off, and I’d like to record my thanks to the team for their professionalism and expertise.”
The EG Radius Leaderboards record commercial property details across the country and rank agents according to the volume of deals concluded each quarter.