Bromwich Hardy and joint agent Brasier Freeth are delighted to announce that International House at Middlemarch Business Park is now let
The 16,277 sq ft office building has been let to Magna Automotive who are a leading global automotive supplier with 309 manufacturing operations and 99 product development, engineering and sales centres in 29 countries. They have over 152,000 employees focused on delivering superior value to our customers through innovative processes and World Class Manufacturing.
International House comprises a two-storey office building of steel frame construction arranged over ground and
first floors. Internally, the offices are predominantly open plan and benefit from a specification including full access raised floors, suspended ceilings incorporating recessed lighting and air conditioning. The property is also served by an eight person passenger lift.
Tom Bromwich comments
” This letting is a major coup for Middlemarch Business Park, again underlying the excellent location and communication links aswell as confirming the importance of Coventry as a centre for the Automotive Industry.”