A Leicestershire service station has sold for nearly 20 per cent above its guide price in a £1.41m deal.
Coventry-based commercial property specialist Bromwich Hardy oversaw the deal for the Eastwoods Service Station on Ashby Road in Stapleton.
The 2.7acre site, which is fully operational, includes a shop, three-bedroom bungalow, 12,000sq ft of industrial units, offices and car wash and is licensed for haulage use for up to 20 vehicles.
Bromwich Hardy partner David Penn said he was delighted with the price achieved for the station, which sits on the A447 Ashby Road between Hinckley and Coalville, and was 17.5 per cent above the guide price.
“This was a terrific opportunity with a range of buildings, accommodation and services alongside the petrol station and shop itself and the sale price reflects that,” said David.
“We are delighted to have been able to negotiate a particularly pleasing deal for the site as a whole and look forward to working with the buyer to bring further opportunities at the site to market.
“The purchaser is a national specialist in the running of petrol stations and clearly saw the potential of the site to provide a long-term return on their investment. We are now working with the new owners to find a tenant or tenants for the surplus workshops and yard, which total 11,576 sq ft plus 0.83 acres.”
Bromwich Hardy won a host of EGI awards last year including being named the most active agent in Warwickshire for the sixth year running. To find out more visit www.bromwichhardy.com